Attendance Office

Contact Ms. Laudick, Ext. 11905

V. Attendance

 A. Dearborn and Ohio County Schools Attendance Program 

Next to student effort in the classroom, regular attendance is the most important responsibility of a student to assure optimum academic achievement. Parents also share in the responsibility. Parents should set a high level of expectation regarding attendance but if a student is absent for any reason, parents should communicate with the school office in a timely manner. Students are expected to be at school every day. Business and industry both require regular attendance and punctuality from employees, so it shall be the expectation of Dearborn and Ohio County Schools to train students to those same high standards. 

If a student must be absent, a parent needs to call the attendance secretary prior to 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence.  Medical excuses must be presented to the attendance office in a timely manner.  


Students arriving late or returning from an appointment must sign-in via the electronic system, which is available in the main office. 

Sign-ins come under the same jurisdiction as attendance reasons:  Illness, Medical or Special Emergency only. 


Students and parents should make every effort to make medical appointments outside of school hours; however, should an unavoidable situation arise making it necessary for a student to leave school,  parent contact with the office is required prior to the student sign-out.  Sign-out notes should be brought to the office prior to the start of school at 8:10 a.m.  Sign-outs require direct parent communication or parent pick-up.  Notes of students driving or leaving with someone other than a parent must be verified by a phone call from a parent prior to the student leaving school.  

Unauthorized leaving is truancy.  Sign-outs come under the same jurisdiction as attendance reasons:  Illness, Medical or Special Emergency only.  

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    • Admin. Office

      Sunman-Dearborn Community Schools
      1 Trojan Place, Suite B
      St. Leon, IN 47012

      Tel: 812-623-2291
      Fax: 812-623-3341
      Dr. Andrew Jackson, Superintendent

      High School

      East Central High School
      1 Trojan Place, Suite A
      St. Leon, IN 47012

      Tel: 812-576-4811
      Fax: 812-576-2047
      Tom Black, Principal

      Middle School

      East Central Middle School
      8356 Schuman Road
      St. Leon, IN 47012

      Tel: 812-576-3500
      Fax: 812-576-3506
      Chad Swinney, Principal

    • Elementary Schools

      Bright Elementary
      22593 Stateline Road
      Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

      Tel: 812-637-4600
      Fax: 812-637-4606
      Michael Collier, Principal

      North Dearborn Elementary
      27650 Sawmill Road
      West Harrison, IN 47060

      Tel: 812-576-1900
      Fax: 812-576-1901
      Jeff Bond, Principal

      Sunman Elementary
      925 North Meridian St.
      Sunman, IN  47041

      Tel: 812-623-2235
      Toll Free:  888-645-5717
      Fax:  812-623-4330
      Cindy Stonehill, Principal

  • Location